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Information Technology Project Management, by Kathy Schwalbe
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Gain a strong understanding of IT project management as you learn to apply today's most effective project management tools and techniques with the unique approach found in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECT MANAGEMENT, 8E. This book emphasizes the latest developments and skills to help you prepare for the Project Management Professional (PMP) or Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exams. While this edition reflect content from the latest the PMBOK Guide, it goes well beyond the Guide to provide a meaningful context for project management. Hundreds of timely examples highlight IT projects, while quick quizzes, discussion questions, exercises, and ongoing cases reinforce your learning. Time-saving template files assist in completing tasks. Examples from familiar companies featured in today's news, an Agile case, MindView software, and a guide to using Microsoft Project 2013 help you master IT project management skills that are marketable around the globe.
- Sales Rank: #27867 in Books
- Brand: imusti
- Published on: 2015-10-27
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: .94" h x 6.18" w x 10.15" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 515 pages
- Course Technology
About the Author
As a professor in the Department of Business Administration at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Dr. Kathy Schwalbe teaches courses in project management, problem solving for business, systems analysis and design, information systems projects, and strategic technology. She has also served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Minnesota, where she taught a graduate-level course in project management in the engineering department. A frequently requested speaker and consultant, Dr. Schwalbe provides training and consulting services to numerous organizations and addresses professionals at several conferences each year.
Most helpful customer reviews
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Not the book for me
By Justme
This book has a lot of good information but I personally find it to be a bit 'wordy'. Unnecessarily repetitive and somewhat unorganized. IMHO, people who LIKE to read for the sake of reading will not have any issues with this book. I on the other hand have limited amounts of time to read and wish the book would 'cut to the chase and get to the point'.
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Not too bad for a book.
By apollonius
I like it and dislike it at the same time. The book is well written because it have a lot of example and information. But at the same time the information is expanded and quite vague so it is hard to understand. I have an online class and need to finish the entire book in 8 weeks. If anyone reading this value their time and brain cell do not try to finish it in 8 weeks while having other classes along the way. YOU will not make it. Some of you might but most do not even try unless you willing to purchase it 4 weeks ahead and read it before or else do not bother try. Have fun and good luck.
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
pass on this book - Mulcahy and Heldman cover the subject better for less money
By Jonathan Tennis
Project Management is a tough subject to cover in book form and this is from a Project Manager who has read a fair number of PM related books.
My review is short and sweet - there are better books out there. The author covers the material just fine but both Mulcahy and Heldman cover it better. Because this has IT in the title, IT PMs will pick it up. It's more expensive than other books and really doesn't improve on what those others say.
Save the money and time and pass on this book.
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